OLAV provides tools, techniques, and consultants experienced in data migration. Using our data conversion methodologies, all required legacy data will be successfully loaded into the new Asset Suite/PassPort environment. We also insure that all of the necessary Asset Suite/PassPort system and architecture tables are correctly loaded for each implementation.The estimated time for the data migration task is based on the availability and participation of client personnel. A small project (three modules) would require a minimum of three months. A large project (full Asset Suite/PassPort system - 20 modules) would require a minimum of nine months.
- Study
- A two-week period would be required by OLAV to perform the initial study. This would include a review of the Asset Suite/PassPort implementation plan, legacy data sources, and client personnel assigned to the project. The deliverable of this two-week study will include:
- A detailed data implementation schedule (time line, labor hours by resource, and estimated cost.
- High-level data mapping and volume estimations
- Initial data definition of top-ten client data tables and two architecture tables (system preferences and simple code values) via spreadsheets and/or database tools.
- A two-week period would be required by OLAV to perform the initial study. This would include a review of the Asset Suite/PassPort implementation plan, legacy data sources, and client personnel assigned to the project. The deliverable of this two-week study will include:
- Implementation
- OLAV will perform the Asset Suite/PassPort data implementation with the support of customer staff. OLAV will train personnel to assist in performing the work. OLAV will assist directly in data migration, consolidation, conversion, and data loading as required (to maintain schedule). The benefit of this approach is that after the initial implementation is complete, the client staff, via knowledge transfer, is sufficiently trained to continue to maintain and modify the Asset Suite/PassPort data with a minimum of outside support.
- A custom conversion of any required client text files and graphic images can be performed to the client's Asset Suite/PassPort TIDBLOB table.
- Tools
- OLAV will provide several computer software tools to greatly increase the effectiveness of the data conversion team. The estimated savings due to efficiencies and data quality would be at least $5 million.
- Two client personnel will be trained by OLAV in the Asset Suite/PassPort data structure methodology. These client personnel can then assist OLAV personnel with the Legacy data loads and will have a "knowledge transfer" that will benefit the client's Asset Suite/PassPort system maintenance team.
- The client project team will complete the project critical tasks of definition, setup, synchronization and maintenance of the required multiple Asset Suite/PassPort project operating system regions.
- The client's Asset Suite/PassPort project team will perform Business Process Review sessions and will create Work Flow Analysis Reports (WFARs) or their equivelants. OLAV will load the Asset Suite/PassPort system default settings, user preferences and Asset Suite/PassPort system valid values based on the client's WFARs.
- Any required interfaces with the client's new Asset Suite/PassPort system and other new or existing client software systems will be designed, coded and tested by the client's Asset Suite/PassPort project team.
- The client's Asset Suite/PassPort project team will execute all formal acceptance testing and system verification & validation (V&V) of the Asset Suite/PassPort software and the Asset Suite/PassPort loaded Legacy data.
OLAV has successfully completed several small and large Asset Suite/PassPort projects. For example, OLAV provided data conversion services to Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) to implement 17 Asset Suite/PassPort modules ahead of schedule and under budget.
The estimated cost for OLAV participation in a large project is $750,000. This is based on full client support for OLAV during the project. Please see below for a description of OLAV's interpretation of full client support.